Reach Your Friends and Colleagues easily!
Simply input your phone number and wait to receive a verification code
Once verified and auto-loggedin, you can create, join or schedule your video conference
No Private Information to give up except your phone number.
With EezyMeet, you get the opportunity to use one of these services/features:
Participate in conference meetings from anywhere around the world. The one tools you will need to be able to attend the conference is a computer or mobile device that can connect to the internet.
Join or participate in a group, team, or conference meeting at any time. Stay in the meeting as long as the meeting is going on. There is no time limitations that can prevent you from staying in the meeting and finishing the section with you colleagues.
Create and schedule your conference calls for any time. There is no time limitations. EEZYMEET gets you all the flexibility to determine when and where your next conference meeting with take place.
With a desktop computer, you can share your screen with participants who are present at the live conference.
Live Stream your Conference or Webinar on YouTube, so that participants who did not attend the live section can get to view the webinar on a later day on your YouTube Channel.
As a Host of a conference meeting, you can hold a meeting with up to 25 attendants present at the same time.